Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Having a fun time...

I haven't had much time to write lately...so I am sorry if you are disappointed. I hope to return to writing a daily post sometime after the new year. Until then, it will be "hit or miss." I have taken a sorely needed vacation and am having a great time.

Goodness knows, all you have to do is watch the news and you find a plethora of fodder for editorial writing.

I was sorry to hear of Cain's withdrawal from the Presidential race. Let's hope someone emerges who can gain my support. I am leaning towards Gingrich...but we shall see.

December is a month that is usually a flurry of activity. It's time to order all medications, medical equipment, supplies, etc. before needing to meet that elusive deductible once again beginning in January.

I like to look at the new year as a path of snow that has yet to be trodden upon...you know what I'm talking about...you drive by an area that has not been trampled upon and you just have to urge to step in it. Of course, if you live in a region without snow, think of it in terms of sand.

Anyway, thanks for reading! Look for something substantial to read in the near future.

God bless and stay safe! :)