Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Election is Coming...RANT

Rant of the Day:

I am so sick of these political ads and all of this projection crap. Seriously. Put the front runner names in a hat (including Obama) and shake it up. Then pick one. They are all the same.

Sadly, I don't like any of the front runners. Santorum looks good to me. I liked Cain. And now it appears that the GOP nomination will be between Romney and Gingrich. Sigh.

Here's a question for you: Why do we have so many different dates for these caucuses/primaries? Let's just have them all on the same day. Why should my vote (which will be cast in April) be of less value than those in Iowa?

I think it sucks! Have the nation vote on the same day and let the chips fall where they may. We do it for the General Election.

I can't turn on any news channel without hearing the latest projections about this state's winner or that state's winner. Blah. Blah. Please...just shut up. The results will speak for themselves.

Polls? Oh whatever. You can make a poll slant any way that you want. I've never been contacted about my political opinion and I've been voting since I was eligible. Besides that, who is to say that these people being polled are even being truthful.

We talk about how in America, ANYBODY can become President. Not true. You have to have a LOT of money to run for President - whether your own or the backing of someone else's. That means whoever is elected certainly won't have the same issues I and others less financially-fortunate have. I don't begrudge others who have wealth. I certainly don't buy into this whole communist/socialist redistribution crap. If it's yours, keep it.

However, it's hard for someone elected into office to understand my dilemma of skipping doctor appointments to save on co-pays so that groceries can be bought. How about those who skip medications because of the cost?

I was in the grocery store today and couldn't believe the prices of things. Is it any wonder that people resort to eating cat food? It's sad.

So...today's rant ends with me still sick of this political season that will eventually end in the Fall with me choosing the lesser of two evils once again. Let me re-phrase that. It will end with me voting for whoever is running against Obama.

I'd enter the Race...but the funds just aren't there. I certainly couldn't do a worse job...


  1. I know what it's like to skip going to the doctor because of co-pays etc. I know what it's like to have no insurance (as I currently don't have any) I was on food stamps once but not because I didn't have a job (7/11 full time with two kids = not enough to live on) I was out mowing lawns and they told me if I divorced my wife I would make more on assitance (what's with that?) I found a better job rather than milk the system and I would like to see a politician with that kind of story who can really relate.

  2. I so agree! There is something drastically wrong with a system that wants you to break up a family just to get some TEMPORARY assistance.

    Guess that makes you part of the working poor. Ridiculous!!

    Thanks for your comment! :)
