Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Obama's destruction of the USA

It's not your momma's USA anymore. It seems like our society has been on the decline for several generations. All of the "free love" junk of the 70s has really had a negative impact. Of course, I think most of those are now in the streets of our major cities as part of the Occupy Wall Street movement. (People, GO HOME! You look stupid!)

It is amazing to the see the parallels between the prophecies of the book of Revelation (last chapter of the Bible) and the events unfolding before our eyes. When I hear about the increase of earthquakes and other so-called "natural" disasters, I can't help but believe that the Rapture is near, To that end, I think that Obama's Presidency (whether legitimate or not) figures greatly into the END TIMES.

In my opinion, Obama is Muslim. That is in opposition to Christianity. I don't care that he calls himself a "Christian." I can call myself a horse, but that doesn't make it so. Since according to Islam, anyone who is not Muslim is considered an "infidel," why would a Muslim want to hold the highest political office in the land of an infidel nation?

To destroy it from the inside out...

Our monetary system is collapsing. Our economy is in shambles. Our moral base has all but been forgotten. Just like Rome (from which many of our laws are adopted), the USA is going to collapse from within.

Oh...but wait. It isn't even just our country. There's Greece, Spain, Ireland...the list goes on. The Middle East? I won't bother naming those countries since they change governments faster than I can type. Am I concerned?

Sure. However, I keep reminding myself (sometimes more than daily) that GOD is IN CONTROL. While I recognize that His Plan never included all of this...He has allowed it since mankind broke that intimate relationship with Him back in the Garden of Eden.

I think Obama and with George Soros (look him up) are behind the destruction of America. If Obama, through his policies and skirting around Congress, can ruin us, then so much the better for the Muslim world.

Sadly, many people are too focused upon themselves (stemming from the "Me Generation") to even notice or care. Sure...they know that prices are up, investment profits are down, and jobs are limited, but they don't even realize what a political monster was put in office. I have even seen "Obama 2012" stickers on cars already!

Huh? Are you kidding me? Hasn't enough damage been done? Our debt is so great that I am too tired to even type that many zeroes! Spend-spend-spend seems to be the goal of Obama...and Congress. In my opinion, we need to vote 'em all out and start fresh. Career politicians need to leave.

All of this turmoil in the US and the world is setting up the stage nicely for the Antichrist is assume power. If money (from all countries) is no longer worth the paper it is printed upon, then the world will be looking for solutions. Enter the Antichrist. As a Pre-Trib Believer (it's the only Bibically-based belief versus a Mid-Trib or Post-Trib belief), I'm gonna be raptured outta this world before the Antichrist rises to power. (That right there discounts theories of some that Obama is the Antichrist - although I believe he IS an antichrist just not THE Antichrist.)

I am watching Israel. Despite Obama's continued rejection of Israel (our ally in the Middle East), I STAND WITH ISRAEL. Whether you like it or not, the Jews are God's Chosen people. Period. No. I'm not Jewish (religion or race); however, I AM part of God's Chosen because I am saved by the grace of God's mercy through the blood of His Son, Jesus.

So, Obama...don't mess with the Power of God. I know how the story ends.

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