Thursday, November 3, 2011

Cain Train Screeching to a Halt?

What's up with all of these accusations that are surfacing about GOP Presidential contender Herman Cain? Shhh. We can't talk about it. The women want to remain anonymous. Isn't that special?

Don't misunderstand. I think sexual harassment does occur in the workplace and frankly, I find it disgusting. Just go to work, do your job, and then leave. But in this case, I wonder about the validity of the claims. "Inappropriate comments" were supposedly made. I wasn't there, so I don't know. What I do know is that my support of Cain 2012 hasn't waivered. I guess it hasn't for others either since Cain's fund raising contributions have increased over the last 48 hours.

From news accounts, it seems that the one alleged "victim" really doesn't want to speak about the incident - but her lawyer does. Oh that's shocking. Another lawyer running his/her mouth on television.

Cain shared one comment that he had made to the aforementioned employee and it involved stating that she was about the same height as his wife. HORRORS! No wonder the woman was upset! Just hearing about it has traumatized me for life and forced me into intensive therapy.

That's considered sexual harassment?

Having experienced TRUE sexual harassment on the job, Cain's comment garners no tissues for me. I am so sick of all of the PC crap out there where people are afraid to even look at one another lest the "look" be misconstrued.

Perhaps we all need to lighten up a little bit and stop crying "wolf" when it's really just a dog. That...or wrap ourselves in bubble wrap and walk around without looking or speaking to one another.

 You decide.

As for me, I believe bubble wrap is made for popping and not wearing as articles of clothing.

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