Monday, November 7, 2011

The Occupy Movement really needs to become UN-OCCUPIED

Okay. The violence at these "Occupy" rallies (or whatever they are being called) is getting ridiculously out-of-hand.

Earlier today, I watched a short video in which an innocent bystander was pushed down a flight of steps at the DC Convention Center. (

 What about the violence that erupted at a McDonald's in New York? The Occupy Wall Street protester wanted free food! (

When is enough enough?

I guess if you ask an Occupy protester, he/she would probably state that this is just the beginning of a "movement."

I don't think these protesters will be satisfied until there is an equal distribution of assets in this country. That brings to mind the Bible verse 2 Thessalonians 3:10: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat." (NIV)

Sadly, these so-called movements occurring across the country are doing nothing but causing financial resources to be drained (since emergency personnel such as police officers and fire fighters are needed in greater numbers). Businesses can't open because of the crowds - and many of the owners are part of the "99%" that are supposedly being represented.

Whata bout the health impact? Are there adequate rest room facilities? Certainly it can't take long for those "Spot-a-Pots" to be filled. Perhaps the protesters are using the facilities of local businesses. Are those business owners (again, probably part of that magical 99%) being reimbursed by the movement for those added expenses?

Then there's the ecological impact on the environment. The trash left behind must be excessive...or are the protesters recycling? Wait...are they leaving a bigger carbon footprint?

Where are the protesters to protest against the protesters?

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