Monday, November 7, 2011

Political Correctness has gone TOO far!

Frankly, I am tired of individuals having to be concerned with being PC (politically correct).

It seems that lately in our country, the good ol' USofA, the desire of one individual overrules the desires of the remaining ninety-nine. What do I mean by that?

Let's look at some recent instances of this:

- Catholic University being sued for discrimination against Muslim students for not providing a Catholic icon-free area for them to offer their daily prayers (although it should be noted that it is a professor that has instigated the law suit and not students).

- Walt Disney company will not release "Song of the South" (1946) due to the fear that some blacks ("African Americans") might be offended at the content of the movie despite the fact that the Uncle Remus stories (upon which the movie is based) are set AFTER the Civil War and the abolition of slavery.

- Five students in a California high school were sent home when they refused to remove their USA flag t-shirts on Cinco de Mayo (a Mexican holiday) because the shirts were deemed to be "incendiary"

- In Maine, because a 12 year-old "transgendered" male was denied use of a female bathroom, the Maine Human Rights Commission proposed to ban the divisions between gender in schools (bathrooms, sports, etc.). Due to mounting pressure, the proposal was retracted.

- The government refused to act on the "red flags" exhibited by one of the Army's psychiatrist because of fear that there would be an accusation of "profiling."

The above examples are just several that came to this writer's mind while writing this blog post. There are many more and readers should feel free to comment accordingly on this blog - sharing their examples.

However, perhaps comments should be "reviewed" and "monitored" by some kind of Language and Thought Police. After all, that's what it seems that it has come down to...

The Liberal Left has no problems convicting one of the current GOP candidates of sexual harassment (despite no conclusive evidence) while giving our current President and former President a pass in this area. And no...I did not have a sexual relationship with the owner of this blog site. Besides, I burned the dress.

Speaking of our current President, for goodness sake, don't say anything negative about him. Otherwise, lurkers may just see to it that men in dark suits and sunglasses show up at your door.

It is this writer's opinion that political correctness has run a muck. Is it any wonder that our youth are confused?

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